My Journey With Dove


Hola Mis Amores, this past Monday I had the opportunity to travel to a new destination. Some people say, that to travel is to live and I couldn't agree with them more. This time, the journey took me west, well northwest to Victoria, Canada for about 72 hours. Where I was invited to collaborate with Air Bud entertainment for their PupStar Movie..soon I'll tell more....

Although it was a quick business trip, I truly had a fantastic time there. While on set, I had the opportunity to interview some of the incredible cast, producers, director and most importantly the stars of the movie the Yes, it was an all-day affair, basically non-stop running around always doing something. Thank god! I brought along one of my beauty besties; Dove - dry spray antiperspirant which, goes on instant dry and keeps me feeling fresh and cares for my skin! ultimately, making me feel safe and confident all day long. A product like this, which protects for extended periods of time, 48hr to be precise, indeed comes in handy especially when one is on the permanent move like I was #Hustler. 

This journey taught me a few things, venturing out and discovering new exciting things is a #must that one need to undertake every once in awhile. Just for the experience along it's all worth it in my opinion. I suggest packing smart by bringing items that'll enhance your beauty routine like the Dove's dry spray, comfy clothing and of course some useful gadgets. Well, guys hope you enjoy this post and before I go, I would like to leave you with something which I find truly inspirational: Always aim to collect experiences, not things.


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Dove and WeAllGrow Latina Network. The opinions and text are all mine.


Rosanna Javier

| Mother | Wife | Blogger |