There are so many different styles of dressing and some how we always seem to pick the same classic elegant look. This time, we decided to do something different and try something that's not common in our lookbook. This style has its roots from social movements as well from music and yes we are talking about urban wear. Urban clothing is associated with comfort, casual and leisure and although these attributes are great the style isn't accepted by masses. Even if Urban clothing hasn't been accepted by the majority, we can conclude that its influence has reached the top of the fashion industry. For instance, the hip-hop artist Kanye West decided to wear a more casual yet stylish attire to this year Met Mala in New York City. Overall the fashion industry has been one way or another impacted by this style that came from the streets and is worldwide accepted.
In reality, it's fun to play with different styles of fashion. If you're like us that feels a bit uncomfortable stepping out of the zone when wearing something different, we created a three-step advice to help you put together a dope urban outfit.
Jeans: are this style best friend, they basically go with almost everything and we suggest to find a fit that's right for you as long as it's denim you good.
Trendy piece: wear something that's trending at the moment, for instance, we choose the motorcycle-inspired leather jackets.
Personal touch: It doesn't matter what style you wear, we always recommend to give your look a personal touch because this will transform your outfit overall. For us, we decided to wear these Adidas originals in a color that would make a statement, especially in men. Guys be confident, one of the most attractive element that Women look for in men is confidence, not get it...
This look was the way we got out of the zone of comfort, with our "GlamDapper from the block" Yes! people fashion is about having fun and taking risks. In all honesty, we had a great time doing something different, we encourage everyone to step out of your comfort zone and try styles that you don't normally wear. Always carry the thirst and will to be a bit different when it comes to fashion but never forget your true essence.
Good Vines Only!
Existen muchísimos estilos a la hora de vestir y al final terminamos siempre eligiendo el mismo de siempre porque es con el cual nos sentimos más cómodos, esta vez quisimos hacer algo distinto e intentar con un estilo que no es tan común en nosotros y que viene de un movimiento social muy ligado a la música, si exacto, hablamos del estilo urbano. (Si, URBANO)
Este estilo se asocia mucho a lo casual y es que su nivel de comodidad es increíble sin embargo aún así no es aceptados por todos, cabe mencionar que grandes iconos de estilos han sido participe de el, y muchas tendencias han nacido de este movimiento, ha tenido una gran influencia en la moda.
Es realmente divertido jugar con diferentes estilos, si eres como nosotros y te cuesta un poco salir de tu zona de confort entonces hoy te dejamos 3 consejos para armar un look urbano
- Jeans: no hay mejor amigo de este estilo que el jeans, es casi una regla urbano es igual a denim ya sea skinny o rasgados no importa, es imposible que falte.
- Lleva una pieza Trendy: al irte por lo urbano para que no te sientas disfrazado elige una pieza de temporada que te encante como por ejemplo nosotros usamos esta moto leather jacket.
- Dale un toque personal: no importa de que estilo estemos hablando, el estilo personal va sobre todas las cosas así que siempre busca darle ese giro de 180 grado a las piezas urbanas, nosotros escogimos estos Adidas en color fucsia los cuales son súper escasos y conseguimos por suerte ¡nos encantan!
Así fue como logramos salir de la zona de confort con nuestro look "GlamDapper from the block" lol, de esto se trata: divertirse y arriesgarse, sino ¿de que nos sirve todo esto? De verdad que nos divertimos mucho creando estos Looks y es que de vez en cuando hay que probar nuevos aires sin dejar de lado nuestra esencia.
Gracias por leernos una vez mas,
Hasta una próxima entrega.