Hot to Adopt


As a style influencer, I normally blog about the latest trends in fashion. However, for this post I took the initiative to do something different. Most of us grew up with pets in our home, whether it was a cat, dog, fish or any other pet, commonly we all share a love for animals. For this reason, I decided to partner with Fresh Step to promote their Hot to Adopt campaign.

The purpose of the Hot to Adopt campaign is to bring awareness to the fact the cats in shelters don’t always get adopted. In fact, less than half actually don’t find a home and this alarming figure was one of the catalysts that made me want to let others know about this issue.

This past week a feline fashion lounge and adoption event was held during Fashion Week in New York by actress and fashion blogger, Katie Cassidy, where fashionistas were brought together to support this cause. At this event, many of us socialized but more importantly focused on helping eradicate the unfortunate negative stigma about cats and cat ladies.

Today, I want let all of you know that in case you want to support this endeavor, you can by purchasing a Hot to Adopt T-shirt at and part of the proceeds will go directly to shelters across America. Also, please help spread the word by following @FreshStep on Instagram and posting photos in your feline finery with #freshstepcontest to be included in a contest where you could win a $250 gift card, goodies for your cat and a limited edition #hot2adopt T-shirt. [Official contest rules can be found here.]

All in all, this action will not only find cats a home, but equally important, bring the necessary awareness to this issue. In general, I applaud all the people who love and support animals. There’s so much reward when you help an animal in need, let’s start today with this campaign. Because adopting a cat is always on trend!


This post is sponsored by Single Edition Media for FreshStep. All the opinions are 100% my own.


Rosanna Javier

| Mother | Wife | Blogger |