Hola mi Gente, this post entry is different from what we typically write about. Since it is Hispanic Heritage Month, we wanted to show our support and showcase the Latino community, by partnering with Chase to bring awareness and inform Latinos about fraud prevention. But before I start let me share a short story about how my grandfather taught me how to be proactive with my finances.
When I was young my grandfather always told the society sometimes measures your ability by the size of your bank account. He did not agree with this statement but understood the necessary of having the financial means to solve problems. He came from nothing and made for him a better life by working hard and being proactive. He told me that In order for one to avoid financial problems, we need it to stay ahead of the game. Basically, save money from whatever income was earned and invest it wisely. With this notion in mind, I started to save at a young age in order to stay ahead of the game and now another tool I use to keep my finances in check are technological advances, which help me avoid fraud prevention and keep my money safe.
Fraud prevention is a serious crime that could affect many of us if we don't take the necessary steps to evade them. These three simple steps most people are perhaps already doing them, but it's necessary to highlight them here:
- Go Green: By switching to paperless statements, not only will you help the environment but also help yourself. Let me explain, when your paper statement arrives at your residence, it runs the risk of being stolen and thus creating a loop into your personal information like your full name and account number. To that end, I suggest to get online and check your statement there at least once a month, this way you'll always know what's being charged to your account and so on.
- Notifications: Go to your bank's website and signed up for account activity alerts, include your preferred email address and phone number. This way you'll be noticed if an unauthorized charge is placed on your account.
- On The Go: Stay connected with your bank by downloading their bank app, with it, you'll be able to monitor your account quickly and also make payments via the app. This method is more secure than using a traditional mean such as mailing payments or wasting time by going the real bank to make payments.
These simple yet critical steps could be the difference between having your identity stolen or your hard earn cash be wiped from your account. Mi Gente, we need to take these things seriously, we all work hard to provide a better life for ourselves or someone else, let's not be careless let's start being proactive. For more info, I encourage you to visit this link and also watch this video by Chase's Financial Education Partner, Brittney Castro
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of CHASE. The opinions and text are all mine.